Charlene Hall, LSW, Director
Dear Terry:
Quality Review Services, Inc. (QRS) was pleased to sponsor, along with NAMI Butler County, NAMI Ohio as well as a number of Ohio Mental Health Boards, the recent workshop entitled “Grief, Depression, and Suicide: Navigating the Process from a Patient’s Perspective.” The conference attendees were pleased with the conference, your candor in revealing your personal history, and the reference material in the handouts. Many expressed gratitude for the conference and for the coping skills they learned. This was the most successful Mental Health Conference in Fairfield since I became involved about 18 years ago.
I wanted to let you know that QRS serves first and foremost consumers of mental health services and their families. Consumers and family members have commented that your presentation gave them the ‘Hope’ they had not felt for a long time. Your story tells of a ‘recovery’ that most consumers dream of, but do not really expect to experience. The fact that you’ve really ‘been there’ gives people permission to expect good things, that life will not always be this hard.
On their behalf, and for the hopefulness you gave me personally, thank you, thank you, thank you. When your days of travel are difficult and you believe you could not be more fatigued, remember us and know that it is all worth it.
In gratitude,
Charlene M. Hall
LSW Director of Development