
Terry Wise has appeared in all 50 states and hundreds of cities nationwide.  The additional appearances she has made as an instructor for hundreds of full-day continuing education seminars are not included in the list below.

National Guard Association of Louisiana; Louisiana Army National Guard
Keynote Speaker – Officers Convention

U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI
Keynote Speaker – Personal Readiness Summits

Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia Division;
Women & Wellness Nova Scotia
Keynote Speaker

U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, Guam
Keynote Speaker – Personal Readiness Summits

Columbia University, Graduate Clinical Psychology Department, NY

American Association of Suicidology, Annual Conference, MD
Panel Presentation: Inspiring Hope and Recovery: The Collaborative Development of Educational Materials for Suicide Attempt Survivors
Mayo Clinic, Patient Education Specialists; SAMHSA, Public Health Advisors; Terry L. Wise

Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, Veterans Administration,
Chicago, IL

Keynote Speaker

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, PA
Keynote Speaker

Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians – STAY Project, MI
Empowering Lives- Empowering Communities
Keynote Speaker

Medtronic, Inc., Employee Assistance Program, MN
Keynote Speaker

Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, NH
Keynote Speaker

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY
Keynote Speaker

The Menninger Clinic – International Psychiatric Center, TX
Keynote Speaker

Jewish Family Services of San Diego, CA
Keynote Speaker

College of Psychiatric & Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Conference, TX
Keynote Speaker

Grant Halliburton Foundation, Dallas, TX
Women H.E.R.E., Teen and Young Adult Mental Health
Keynote Speaker: Caring for Family Caregivers

Alaska Public Health Association Health Summit, Anchorage, AK
Keynote Speaker

Rockingham Memorial Hospital Hospice, Harrisonburg, VA
Keynote Speaker

Training for U.S. & Deployed Troops
Suicide Prevention Training Phase III
Training Instructor: Multiple workshops for military and civilian personnel, including staff, managers, supervisors, and soldiers of all ranks and grades.

Louisiana Partnership for Youth Suicide Prevention Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA
Keynote Speaker

Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, NY
Training Instructor: Helping Caregivers and Their Loved Ones

Texas Suicide Prevention Symposium, Austin, TX
(Sponsored by Texas Deparment of State Health Services, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Division and Mental Health America)
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Instructor

MA Coalition for Suicide Prevention, Annual Conference, MA
Connecting Communities, Sustaining Hope, Saving Lives: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan (Sponsored by MA Dept of Public Health, Dept of Mental Health, MA Coalition for Suicide Prevention, AdCare Educational Institute, et al.)
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Instructor

The Menninger Clinic – International Psychiatric Center
Fourth Annual Mental Health Conference, Houston, TX
Keynote Speaker

PESI Healthcare, LLC
Continuing Education Instructor: Teleseminar. Live broadcast nationwide.

Bloomsburg University, PA
Science and Health Sciences Symposium
Keynote Speaker

Columbia University, Graduate Clinical Psychology Dept, NY

4th Annual Teen Suicide Prevention Symposium, Waco, TX
(Sponsored by Junior League of Waco & Education Service Center Region 12)
Keynote Speaker: Inside the Suicidal Mind: Rarely-Heard Insights to Prevent Teen Suicide from an Attempter’s Perspective
Afternoon Workshop Instructor: Life or Death: Therapeutic Strategies and Practical Tips for Youth Suicide Prevention

Mental Health Center of Boulder County, Boulder, CO
Keynote Speaker

CONTACT We Care, Annual Gala, NJ
(24-hour telephone hotline throughout northern and central New Jersey)
Keynote Speaker

Mental Health Awareness Coalition, AZ
Keynote Speaker

Simmons College, Boston, MA
Keynote Speaker

Mental Health Association of Rhode Island, Annual Dinner, RI
(Advocate of the Year Award Presentation to Congressman Patrick Kennedy)
Keynote Speaker

American Association of Suicidology, 41st Annual Conference, Boston, MA
Plenary Speaker

Council of Nephrology Social Workers of Maryland, MD
Instructor: Full-day Continuing Education Seminar

University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, WI
Keynote Speaker: Erase the Stigma: Awareness is Not a Dirty Word

New York State Office of Mental Health, Annual Conference, NY
Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan
Keynote Speaker
Speaker – Closing Plenary Panel

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Workplace Learning Services, WI
Brown County Suicide Prevention Board
Charles E. Kubly Foundation
Keynote Speaker: Suicide: Insights from an Attempt Survivor

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Crisis Conference (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), New Orleans
Plenary Panel Speaker : Beyond Surviving An Attempt: Lessons from Survivors and Implications for Crisis Centers

Columbia University, Graduate Clinical Psychology Dept , NY
Colloquium: Comparative Psychotherapies

Suicide Prevention Action Network (SPAN USA), Washington D.C.
12th Annual National Suicide Prevention Awareness & Training Event
Building Hope for the Future
For survivors, clinicians, researchers, advocates and policy makers.
Speaker: Awareness March at Capitol Hill and World War II Memorial
Speaker – Closing Plenary Panel: Stories of Hope: A Survivor/Attempter Panel

St. Louis Archdiocesan, Office of Laity and Family Life, IL
The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, IL
The Karla Smith Foundation, IL
Conference for education on treatments and clinical discussions for mental illness, support for those who have lost a loved one to suicide, and spiritual healing for those supporting someone who is depressed or suicidal.
Keynote Speaker: Erase the Stigma

Mental Health Partners of Cumberland County, NC
Annual mental health conference for consumers, families, military, para-professionals, and professional providers.
Keynote Speaker: Depression & Suicide in Adolescents and Adults: Skills for Professionals, Consumers, and Caregivers

6th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, MA
MA Coalition for Suicide Prevention, MA Dept of Public Health, MA Dept of Mental Health, et al.
Building Resiliency: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan
Workshop Instructor : A Patient and Therapist: Dual Perspectives on Suicide and Treatment

Wellesley College, MA
Wellesley College Wellness Committee: Dean of Students, Stone Center Counseling Service, Health Services, Office of Residential Life, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, Students and Faculty.
Depression and suicide prevention awareness event for students, faculty, counseling staff and the community.
Keynote Speaker: Depression and Suicide: An Attempter’s Insights on Prevention and Hope

Wichmann and Fargo Funeral Homes & Crematories, WI
And Affinity Visiting Nurses and Hospice, WI
(Sponsors included: Alzheimer’s Assn of Greater WI Chapter, Wisconsin Alliance of Family Caregivers, Aging and Disability Resource Center, Lutheran Social Services.)
Seminar for the general public, professionals, caregivers and patients.
Keynote Speaker – Community Outreach Program & Continuing Education Seminar: Surviving the Super-Caregiver Syndrome: Caregiving, Grief and Depression

Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Colloquium: Depression and Mental Illness: Treatment and Recovery

American Association of Suicidology, Board of Directors, Washington DC
Teleconference presentation to BOD
Speaker: A Personal Perspective on the Need for Suicide Prevention and Competent Clincial Care

Central Washington University, WA
Staff Training – Counseling Center & Student Resident Advisors
Recognizing & Responding to the Warning Signs of Depression and Suicide

Columbia University, Graduate Clinical Psychology Dept, NY
Colloquium: Answering Unasked Questions from Both Sides of the Couch
(presented by Terry Wise, J.D. & Betsy Glaser, Ph.D.)

American Psychiatric Nurse’s Association, Annual Conference, NE
Suicide and Self-Harm: Beyond the Edge of Reason
Keynote Speaker: Depression, Suicide and Self-Harm

Suicide Prevention Coalition, Annual Conference, VA
Lynchburg College & Mental Health Services, Central Health
Keynote Speaker – Community Education Program: Navigating the Impact of Suicide: Hopeful and Helpful Insights for Patients and Families
Instructor – Workshop for Professionals: The Personal Experience of Suicide: Critical Lessons for Health Professionals

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), MA
Workshop Instructor : Suicide Prevention
(presented with Alan Holmlund, MSW, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, MA Dept of Public Health, Injury Prevention and Control Program)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Cayuga County, NY
Cayuga County Suicide Task Force
(Sponsors included: Auburn Memorial Hospital, Human Services Coalition, Mental Health Subcommittee of Cayuga County)
Keynote Speaker: Third Annual Suicide Awareness & Prevention Community Forum

MA School of Professional Psychology, MA
Guest Speaker – Continuing Education Seminar: The Personal Experience of Suicidality – Lessons for Therapists

Jewish Family Service Association (JFSA) of Cleveland, OH
Speaker – Holocaust Survivors Support Program: Caring for the Caregiver

NCJW/Montefiore Hospice, OH
Keynote Speaker – Community Awareness Event: Rarely Heard Insights and Choices for Hope: A Caregiver’s Perspective
Continuing Education Seminar – Instructor: Caring for Caregivers: Insights for Coping with Long-Term Illnesses
In-House Staff Development – Instructor : Overcoming Adversity: Stories of Hope, Inspiration and Encouragement

American Academy of Bereavement, Annual Conference, NY
Workshop Instructor : Pre-Loss Grief: Insights to Help Caregivers

Grief & Bereavement Conference, Alexandria, VA
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation & Substance Abuse
Alexandria Community Services Board
Continuing Education Seminar – Instructor: Suicide, Grief & Bereavement: Lessons from a Survivor

Fifth Annual Community Mental Health Conference, Evanston, IL
Naomi Ruth Cohen Charitable Foundation
Depression in Young Adults from Adolescence to 50
Keynote Speaker: Navigating Depression: Hopeful Insights from a Patient’s Perspective

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Erie, PA
NAMI of Erie County Speaker Series
Keynote Speaker: Depression & Suicide: Skills for Professionals, Consumers and Caregivers

Muscular Dystrophy Assn, ALS Awareness & Wellness Conference, Hawaii
(Included Telecast to six remote sites: Maui Memorial Hospital, University of HI Center at West Hawaii, Univeristy of HI at Hilo, Samuel Mahelona Hospital, Shriner’s Hospital, and Windward Community College)
Keynote Speaker: Preserving Emotional Health for Caregivers, Patients and Their Families

Quality Review Services, Inc., Mental Health Consumer Organization, OH
National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) OH,
Ohio Mental Health Board Statewide Education Conference for
Ohio Dept of Mental Health, Clinical Providers, Administration, Consumers & Family Members
Continuing Education Seminar – Instructor: Grief, Depression & Suicide: Navigating the Process from a Patient’s Perspective

American Assn of Suicidology, 39th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA
Workshop – Panel Speaker: Suicidal Client & Clinician: Approach or Avoidance
(presented by Terry Wise, JD, David A. Jobes, PhD, Lanny Berman, PhD, Skip Simpson, JD, Betsy Glaser, PhD)

5th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, MA
Action for Life, Voices of Hope: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan
MA Dept of Public Health, Dept of Mental Health, Coalition for Suicide Prevention, AdCare Educational Institute, et al.
Workshop Instructor : The Treatment of Depression & Suicidality from the Dual Perspectives of Patient and Therapist

University of Massachusetts Nursing Program
Community Health Program at Littleton High School, MA
Keynote Speaker: Suicide Prevention & Awareness – Youth Behavior Risk Assessments

Northeastern University, MA
Colloquium: Psychosocial Aspects of Health Care: Depression, Mental Illness & Tools for Recovery

National Center for Death Education, MA
Continuing Education Seminar – Instructor: Care-giving, Grief, and Depression: Navigating the Process from the Dual Perspectives of Patient and Therapist

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) & Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) 2006 National Conference, PA
Workshop for Families: Navigating Grief: Hopeful & Helpful Insights for Bereaved Families
Workshop for Professionals: Pivotal Therapeutic Moments: A Patient’s Perspective on Grief, Depression, and Suicide

First Congregational Church in Wellesley Hills, MA
(for Nursery School Faculties)
Continuing Education Seminar: Depression: Signs & Interventions for Young Children

Littleton High School Community Awareness Event , MA
For Faculty & Families, Sponsored by Families for Depression Awareness
Speaker: Recognizing Warning Signs of Depression & Suicide in Our Youth, Strategies for Facilitating Communication of Suicidal Ideation.

American Academy of Bereavement Annual Conference, AZ
Workshop Instructor: How to Reduce Caregiver Burdens During Long-Term Illness

Organization for Attempters & Survivors of Suicide in Interfaith
Services (OASSIS) First National Conference, Memphis, TN
Plenary Speaker: Facilitating Disclosure: An Attempter’s Perspective

Harvard Medical School Psychiatric Facility, McLean Hospital, MA
Manic Depressive & Depressive Assn of Boston
Workshop Instructor: Depression & Suicide: Insights from a Patient and Therapist

Mental Health Assn of Colorado Annual Conference, Denver, CO
Keynote Speaker: Treating Suicidal Ideation: An Attempter’s Perspective

National Center for Death Education, MA
Guest Speaker – Continuing Education Seminar: Prevention and Postvention

Suicide Prevention Resource Center Conference, CT
Regional conference for New York, New Jersey and New England suicide prevention planning teams.
Workshop Instructor : Examining Suicide and Treatment from an Attempter’s Perspective

Partnership to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, Enough Abuse Campaign
Sponsored by: Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)
Keynote Speaker: A Conversation with Terry Wise

4th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, MA
Sponsored by MA Dept of Public Health, Dept of Mental Health, AdCare Educational Institute, MA Coalition for Suicide Prevention, et al.
Keynote Panel Speaker: Taking Action, Saving Lives: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan
Workshop Instructor: The Aftermath of Suicide: Dual Perspectives from Both Sides of the Couch

American Assn of Suicidology, 38th Annual Conference, CO
Workshop – Panel Speaker: Suicidal Client & Clinician: Approach or Avoidance
(presented by Terry Wise, JD, David Jobes, PhD, Lanny Berman, PhD & Skip Simpson, JD)

15th International Symposium on ALS/MND, Philadelphia, PA
Keynote Speaker: Rarely Heard Insights: A Caregiver’s Perspective on Survival

Carolinas Neuromuscular/ALS-MDA Center Conference, NC
Keynote Speaker: Caring for the Caregivers

Annual Coalition Forum, Kansas City, Nebraska and Western/Central Missouri
Sponsored by: Neurological Disorders Agencies Coalition (Alzheimer’s, ALS, Stroke, Parkinson’s, MS, Epilepsy, Brain Injury, & Essential Tremor)
Keynote Speaker

ALS Society of Canada Annual Conference, Toronto, ON
Keynote Speaker

Canadian Assn for Suicide Prevention Conference, Edmonton, AB
Workshop Instructor

Discourses in Healthcare Social Work Series – Teleconference, U.S. & Canada
Sponsored by the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Teleconference Instructor – Continuing Education Seminar: When I Decided to Die, How I Decided to Live: Pivotal Therapeutic Moments from a Patient’s Side of the Couch

National Convention of the Spastic Paraplegia (SP) Foundation
Keynote Speaker

Spiritual Dimensions of Chaplaincy in Healthcare Programs, U.S. & Canada
Sponsored by the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Teleconference Instructor – Continuing Education Seminar: A Patient’s Perspective on Suicide, Long-Term Care-Giving & Bereavement

3rd Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, MA
Sponsored by coalition of agencies for suicide prevention (Samaritans, NAMI, SPRC, AFSP, MA Dept Public Health, et al)
Workshop Instructor: The Aftermath of Suicide: Dual Perspectives from Both Sides of the Couch

Columbia University, Graduate Clinical Psychology Dept, NY
Colloquium: Pivotal Therapeutic Moments from the Dual Perspectives of Patient and Therapist
(presented by Terry Wise, J.D. and Betsy Glaser, Ph.D.)

The Mount Sinai Medical Center Forum, NY
Sponsored by the Dept of Neurology, healthcare professionals, social workers, MDA, ALS & motor neuron disease caregiver program.
Keynote Speaker

Mental Health Screening, National EAP Teleconference
Professional Development, Wellness & Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
Teleconference Instructor – Continuing Education Seminar: When I Decided to Die; How I Decided to Live: A Patient’s Perspective on Recovering from Depression

2nd Annual Collaborative Crisis Conference, Chicago
Workshop Instructor: The Aftermath of Waking Up

Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), 26th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Workshop Instructor: Grief & Depression: Pivotal Insights

American Association of Suicidology, 37th Annual Conference, Miami, FL
Workshop Instructor: When I Decided to Die; How I Decided to Live

ALS Association, MA Chapter, Annual Symposium, MA
Keynote Speaker: Preserving Emotional Health

National ALS Association (ALSA) Annual Leadership Conference, CA
Executives, national staff, nurses, social workers, occupational, physical, respiratory and speech therapists, clinicians from across North America.
Keynote Speaker: Rarely Heard Insights and Choices for Hope: A Caregiver’s Perspective

Adelphi University, The Derner Institute, Clinical Psychology Program, NY
Colloquium: Waking Up: Suicidality and Pivotal Therapeutic Moments from a Patient’s Perspective

State House Event, Boston, MA
Coalition of organizations for suicide prevention, awareness and mental health advocacy.
Speaker: Advocacy for legislative awareness.

Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), 16th Annual Conference, CA
Workshop Instructor: Crisis Planning

American Association of Suicidology, 36th Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM
Workshop Instructor: A Patient’s Perspective on Treating Suicide

Columbia University, Graduate Clinical Psychology Dept, NY
Colloquium: Waking Up: Suicidality and Pivotal Therapeutic Moments from a Patient’s Perspective